What is Reiki?


Reiki is a unique healing modality that works with subtle energies of the body. It originated in Japan in 1922 by Dr. Makao Usui, a Japanese buddhist monk. Since then, reiki has branched out into a number of different lineages, most which remain true to the original essence. 

To understand reiki, we first have to understand that everything is energy. Everything that we see and feel around us emits a certain frequency which we call vibration. You may have heard people say things like, “I don’t get good vibes from that person.” Or “I love being around her, she makes me feel so at ease.” We are responding to that person’s electromagnetic field and the vibration they emit, which is energy.

There are different energy centers around the body most commonly known as chakras. Most people know the main 7 centers that run along the spine, but there are many chakras all over the body. Each chakra corresponds to a certain elements, body parts, emotions, and characteristics. The chakras are connected by channels in the body which are known as meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and nadis in Vedic traditions. Acupuncture, for example, works with meridians.

The reiki practitioner undergoes a series of attunements during their trainings, which unlocks certain energetic channels in order for the reiki energy to flow more strongly through them. The practitioner is not using any of their own energy. They simply act as a channel for the reiki energy to flow through. The energy of reiki is of the highest, most pure vibration of universal love.

During a session, the reiki energy flows through the practitioner into the receiver through these energetic channels. When we deal with difficult emotions whether in response to emotional or physical trauma, or simply unprocessed or unexpressed emotions, the energy can accumulate in specific areas of the body, and most of the time the emotion corresponds with a certain chakra that it is associated with. When too much energy accumulates without enough being processed and released, energetic blockages can form within the meridians and/or chakras. If we don’t address these blockages, they can manifest as physical and emotional disturbances. Reiki delivers powerful, universal energy of the highest and greatest good, helping us to remove these blockages so energy can flow freely throughout the body. 


Hair Priestess healing sessions are based in reiki traditions and blend together other techniques and traditions. When called, I may include crystal healing and shamanic techniques.


Before the session, we will sit down and discuss any physical or emotional challenges you may be experiencing. During a session, the person receiving reiki lays face up on a massage table fully clothed with a blanket or light sheet covering them if they so choose. The goal is to be as comfortable as possible. We have discussed beforehand the areas of concern that we want to focus on and take those intentions into the session while also being open to universal guidance. Your job is to simply close your eyes and be as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Some people fall asleep. Some people go into a meditative state. Some receive messages, and others are completely aware and cognizant during the entire session. It is different for everyone and each session may be different each time. The main focus is to be open to receiving the healing energy and to trust that whatever healing you need you will receive in the way or ways that you need it. 

While you are lying down with your eyes closed, I put my hands over certain areas throughout your body, usually starting with the head, but going to wherever the energy is guiding me. A good reiki practitioner has strong daily meditation practice so they can better receive and tune into the subtle energies of the universe. During the session I meditate and direct the flow of energy into the centers that need it using my training, intuition, and guidance from spirit. Sometimes I will be guided to incorporate other methods of healing during a session from my shamanic trainings, such as crystals, feathers, or sound.

The best way to go into a reiki session is with no expectations. Regardless of your experience on the physical plane, everyone gets the healing that is meant for them.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out! If you are interested in diving deeper into the history and scientific aspect of reiki, here are some great resources:

History of Reiki

Science Behind Reiki