The Power of Hair


The true function of hair still mystifies scientists. They say hair is dead, but something that is dead does not grow. Your hair holds ancient ancestral codes, power, and secrets. Ancient yogis and other highly evolved civilizations knew that through the hair we can harness the power to know the secrets of the universe, strengthen our intuition, and help us evolve.

With simple knowledge, we can take this practice into the modern age. You can tap into and harness the power of hair so that it helps support and further your evolution. 

Working with lunar and solar cycles, among other things, can help you utilize, honor, and celebrate your hairs power to upgrade your frequency and spiritual evolution.

Let’s dive deeper into how amazing the hair truly is:

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Hair holds our human signature. In ancient folklore, it is said that hair holds our soul. That is why you may have heard of using locks of hair for spells. This is because the essence of the person is needed in order for the spell to be effective. That essence is held in the hair.

Modern science supports this. We now know that just one strand of hair can tell everything about a person, from what they’ve consumed to their entire genetic code. All you need is just one single strand to identify one person out of billions. One strand of hair holds that much power and information.

Hair is also an extension of the nervous system. It is considered one’s antennae to the universe. Think of it as electrical wires which connects us to the unseen forces of the universe, transmitting and receiving energetic signals and messages.

These days, most people only see hair as a superficial way to boost their appearance, and they mainly use it for status or egotistic purposes. Even so, most people can sense that healing occurs on many levels after getting your hair done, even if you aren’t aware of it. That is why you feel so good after getting your hair done!

Having someone work on your hair is deeply healing and cleansing. In ancient times, playing with or braiding hair was considered a bonding experience, often times between women and children. That is why you may feel a deep connection with your hairstylist, as if they are one of your closest friends. And in a way they are. They are working with a part of you that is deeply connected to source. Our connection with source is very personal and individualized. They know a part of you that no one else knows. Touching a part of you that is ancient and working with that energy and wisdom. 

That is why it’s important to choose someone who is conscious and aware of the energy they are working with. This is becoming more important during these times where the frequency of the planet is upgrading and humans are becoming more sensitive. Someone careless and clueless working with something ancient and powerful can sometimes unintentionally do more harm then good by throwing things off balance. 

At Hair Priestess, we not only are aware of the power of the hair, we work with it consciously and with intention so that you walk away feeling more balanced, grounded, and connected with yourself and source. And an authentically you hairstyle!

Hair CarePhoebe Conant