Becoming The Hair Priestess


After working in the beauty industry as a hairstylist for 6 years I was getting burnt out and, frankly, fed up. It was shortly after I had started getting into spirituality. What first opened that door for me was beginning to cultivate a yoga practice and working and learning about crystals for healing. The more I dove deeper into that world, the less aligned I felt in the hair world. The most challenging thing for me, besides being constantly barraged with toxic chemical fumes, was that the salons I had worked in didn’t recycle. I grew up immersed in nature, spending every last hour of daylight in the woods after school. I have a deep connection and relationship with nature, which is why I was called to study reiki and shamanism. Being surrounded by such carelessness day in and day out hurt my heart and I felt completely helpless. I was constantly picking through the trash and bringing home bags of plastic containers and boxes to recycle at my house. Additionally, the salon industry is notoriously known for running employees ragged, with barely enough time to eat lunch. Most of my coworkers didn’t seem bothered by any of this. But I was done. No one seemed to care about the earth or their health and well being.

As it begins with all spiritual awakenings, I felt completely lost.

I took some time off to do some deep inner work and connect with the earth. I found an amazing community of like-minded people through yoga, many of which are now great friends and mentors. I got reiki certified, studied shamanism, and completed a 200-hour yoga teacher training. I was more aligned with myself than ever, but I missed doing hair. I loved my clients and getting to be creative with color.

I loved how I could use my skills to transform someone’s entire spirit simply by changing their hair. 

Through a series of synchronous events and universal guidance, I started working at an organic hair salon and everything fell into alignment. I got certified as an organic colorist and learned everything I could. The people I worked with understood energy work and were into health and wellness. The products we used supported that and I felt good about the products I used on my clients’ hair and scalp.

I was finally able to merge my passion for spirituality and the earth while getting to do what I love, being creative and helping people feel and look their best.

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It was all starting to fall into place, but something was still missing. Although the people who are drawn to organic hair color are typically into spirituality and wellness, there was never a way to truly merge the two. It was great that I could connect with my clients on that level and I loved comparing notes with them about the newest health and wellness things we were learning and trying, but it was still as though both were existing in some sort of limbo.

Like twin flame lovers on opposite ends of a crowded room, both not knowing how to make the first move so neither ever does.

Looking back, I was constantly thinking about how to merge the two fully. I knew they were already overlapping, but I still wasn’t sure how to make that energy tangible and share those transmissions with my clients. The first bit of concept I had was the name Hair Priestess. That name was what started it all and the more I meditated on what the concept looked like, the more I was shown ways to expand into that and to fully merge the two worlds.

It unfolded just as any magic does, in perfect timing and in more amazing and unexpected ways than I could have ever imagined.

As much as I would love to take credit for these amazing teachings, they aren’t mine. I am simply a bridge and a vessel for them. For thousands and thousands of years, ancient cultures and civilizations all across the globe knew the power of the hair and the 26 solar centers on the skull. I am simply taking this ancient wisdom and bringing it back into the modern age.

We are all coming back to our roots, coming back to the teachings and practices of our ancestors, so it was only a matter of time this seeped over into the hair world.

I am so grateful that the universe chose me to share these teachings. it truly lights me up to be able to help revolutionize the hair industry and get back to our roots in the way we view and treat our hair and ourselves.