The Lunar Cycle and Your Hair


Upcoming New Moons

The idea: If you cut your hair on a new moon, it will grow significantly faster.

I’m sure you’re a bit skeptical, and I’ll admit – I was, too, at first. But now I swear by it and only cut my hair on a new moon! I am always amazed after seeing the results after just one new moon cut. Since first trying it out, both my clients and my hair has grown faster and surprisingly thicker. During the cut, we can enhance the experience, if you so choose, with reiki to clear out old energy from your hair and infuse it with your intentions. This ceremonial cut at the beginning of a new cycle invites you to more deeply align with the cosmos and live your best life.

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So why the new moon?

For centuries, ancient cultures all over the world have intentionally and systematically worked with lunar cycles to harness and use the power of the moon for cosmic support for farming to ancient celestial ceremonies. Many people today still work with lunar cycles and it is becoming increasingly popular among spiritual communities.

Connecting cyclicly with the moon reflects our deepest desire to be more in tune with nature. By connecting deeper with nature and the cosmos, we become more connected to ourselves. As within, so without.

The moon reflects the power of the sun and represents natural cycles, intuition, growth, change, and emotions. If the sun is apparent, instant power, think of the moon as subtle, accumulative power. Sometimes the most subtle is the most effective.

Due to its strong gravitational pull, the moon affects all life on earth; the oceans tides, plants, bacteria, animal, and human rhythms, and anything containing water. Certain days during the lunar cycle carry more power than others and can be utilized for different reasons. Ancient farming techniques work with lunar cycles when they plant and harvest crops to ensure an abundant bounty. The water level on a new moon causes the seeds to swell and pull in more water. Farmers will plant seeds on a new moon and harvest them during a full.

Humans are made up of more than seventy percent water, so it only makes sense that we are deeply affected by the moon as well. You may have heard of people associating the full moon with not acting or feeling like their usual selves. This is because the moon affects glandular secretions in our bodies and minds. Often, leading up to the full moon feels like a build-up which people then need to release, sometimes not always in the most constructive ways. Those of us who are more aware can align and channel this build-up of energy in ways that uplift and support our personal and spiritual growth.

A new moon is when the moon is darkest in the night sky and when it first starts to build up energy. In general, people start things at the beginning of a new moon cycle as it is used to gain energy and build up momentum. Whether you are starting a new project, trying to get into a new rhythm, or starting a new practice, starting it at the beginning of a new moon cycle will give you the cosmic support to help you to more easily stick with it. It’s completely individualized and can be anything!

So, you’re probably wondering, how does all of this affect the hair?

Physically, on a new moon, the water in our bodies is at optimum capacity, so when we trim a little off the ends we maximize the flow of water throughout the hair, thus allowing the water to flow smoothly from roots to end. This promotes faster and more abundant growth. Think of each strand of your hair as a hose. If you kink the hose, the water stops flowing and builds up. The dry ends of the hair represent the kink. Once we release those ends the water and energy can flow smoothly throughout.

Energetically, sometimes we have to clear out the old to make space from the new. The hair stores up energy from our thoughts, both good and bad (more on that here). When we cut off the ends, we remove energetic blockages, or kinks, which allows our energy and thoughts to flow smoothly. If conscious and aware, we can also program the hair with our intentions at the same time in order to store up more beneficial energy and alignment.

You don’t have to cut off a lot; most of the time, for healthy hair, half an inch or less will do. It’s completely up to you and we will talk more about that during our consultation. We can even use intentions and a short meditation to “push” any of the old energy to the ends of the hair before it gets cut off. Such a powerful practice for many of my clients!

But wait, it gets even better! When I first started doing new moon cuts, as I said at the beginning, I was skeptical that it would help hair grow faster. But not only did it grow fast, it grew thicker as well! This makes sense now, since understanding the energetics and science behind the lunar cycles. We are planting seeds on the new moon and harvesting the bounty on the full moon. This is why I work with lunar cycles: to get an extra boost – physically, energetically, and emotionally – from aligning with the cosmos.

So if you’re skeptical, I totally get it – I was, too! So try it out for yourself and see – this stuff really works!


upcoming new moons

Phoebe Conant